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Aria di Festa: Sagra del Prosciutto - San Daniele del Friuli (UD) - 27/06/2008
Pubblicato il 26/03/2008 09:52:05
Autore: Agriturismo Ronc dai Luchis - Guarda la scheda
Ingrandisci in finestra separata Aria di festa è uno dei più celebri eventi gastronomici e culturali d’Italia che si svolge ogni anno a San Daniele del Friuli, grazioso paesino della provincia di Udine e patria del celeberrimo prosciutto DOP.

Aria di Festa è, quindi, la grande sagra del prosciutto di San Daniele; un evento di rilevanza internazionale, tra i più attesi e frequentati d’Italia.

Nei giorni della manifestazione tutto il centro storico viene trasformato in un’immensa sala di degustazione. I vicoli e le piazze della città sono gremiti di stand gastronomici dove è possibile gustare lo squisito prosciutto friulano, accompagnato dagli ottimi vini locali. Numerosi prosciuttifici del posto, poi, organizzano visite guidate all’interno degli stabilimenti, per conoscere i segreti e le tecniche di lavorazione del San Daniele.

Per l’occasione, alcuni di essi offrono anche la possibilità di degustare il prosciutto, abbinato ad altri prodotti tipici della tradizione locale.

A fare da cornice alla manifestazione anche numerose ed interessanti iniziative collaterali, come mostre, incontri, convegni, spettacoli ed eventi sportivi e ricreativi.

L’edizione 2008 di Aria di Festa si svolgerà dal 27 al 28 giugno.

Dove Dormire: Agriturismo Ronc dai Luchis
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18/03/2017 05:43:43
Larrygax scrive:

If you have difficulty sleeping, it may be a symptom of sleep apnea. Lots of people deal with this condition every day, and it is often a problem that is quite unpleasant to manage. But the good news is that there are effective treatments out there. Read this article to learn some basic information about recognizing and treating sleep apnea.

One way to improve your sleep apnea is to shed excess weight that you are carrying. Being overweight or obese places pressure on your neck, which can compress your windpipe as you sleep. Losing just 25 pounds can make a difference in your symptoms, and losing enough weight can eliminate the disorder altogether.

Try your best to lay off tobacco and nicotine products. Cigarette smoke can irritate your upper airway causing it to swell up, subsequently hindering your ability to breath during the night. Quitting smoking could therefore, significantly improve your sleep apnea symptoms and will also improve your body's overall health and your feelings of well-being.

Avoid drinking alcohol to excess. Your muscles are relaxed by drinking alcohol. You may want to feel more relaxed, but it can exacerbate your apnea. When your throat muscles relax, your airway narrows and causes sleep apnea. If you're not going to give up alcohol, then just don't do it right before bedtime.

Try your best to lay off tobacco and nicotine products. Cigarette smoke can irritate your upper airway causing it to swell up, subsequently hindering your ability to breath during the night. Quitting smoking could therefore, significantly improve your sleep apnea symptoms and will also improve your body's overall health and your feelings of well-being.

To help diagnose your sleep apnea, your doctor may ask you to keep a sleep log. This log is where you'll keep track of how much you sleep during the night, and other symptoms you may experience. Your partner can let you know if you snore too loudly, jerk your limbs, or stop breathing. Your doctor will then be able to tell if you suffer from sleep apnea.

Avoid any type of drugs or alcohol if you are experiencing any type of sleep apnea. Drugs and alcohol will slow down your respiratory system, and that is known to be one of the causes of sleep apnea. If you are struggling with this issue, try to get some professional help to overcome these addictions.

A great way to ensure that you do not sleep on your back and cause sleep apnea to occur is to use a tennis ball to prevent rolling onto your back. You can place one in a pillow behind your back and when you roll over in your sleep, the tennis ball will make you roll back on your side.

If you are a trucker who has sleep apnea, take precautions to stay safe on the road. First of all, get yourself properly diagnosed and treated. If your doctor prescribes a CPAP, use it. They are small and easily portable and can run on battery power if necessary. Try to stay fit and get regular sleep to keep your condition under control.

These tips were written especially for people who suffer from apnea, whether directly or indirectly as a bed partner. While it can be quite difficult to completely remove apnea from your life, there are ways to live with it, and these were touched on in this useful sleep apnea article.


Scrivi a Larrygax: larryskirm@mail.ru

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